Useful links

Here are some useful links:

Air BnB

This site is a great place to book accommodation from a room to a full apartment, anywhere in the world.


This is an excellent site that gives you information about available public transport between virtually any destination in the world including prices, timetables etc.

Useful weather information

The BBC weather site for checking the weather anywhere in the world.

Google maps

Find towns and landmarks and get driving or walking directions between sites.

Paul and Jan’s email

This is Paul and Jan’s personal email page. It requires authentication. If you want to send Paul and Jan an email, go to the About page for their email address.

Paul’s photo albums on Picasa

This is a selection photos from family events to sporting events.

Jan’s photo albums on Picasa

Not as comprehensive as Paul’s, but here are photos Jan has taken.

Two Fabulous Fa’rangs

This is Paul and Jan’s other site with a couple of travel stories

Jan’s website

This is Jan’s website. It chronicles Jan’s journey through bariatric surgery. It is designed to help people, or people who know someone, struggling with obesity